Title III (EL)
Title III is a portion of funding for the English Language Program. The purpose of Title III is to ensure that ELs, including immigrant children and youth, attain English proficiency, develop high levels of academic attainment in English, and meet the same challenging state academic content and student academic achievement standards as all children are expected to meet, and to assist State and local agencies to develop and enhance their capacity to provide high-quality instructional programs.
For additional information about Title III refer to Morgan County Board of Education COMPREHENSIVE ENGLISH LEARNER DISTRICT PLAN FY16
In the Morgan County School System (MCS), regular education teachers are the primary instructors, and the EL staff is supplemental. WIDA/SIOP Strategies will focus on key concepts and key vocabulary while using visual and organizational support to ensure second language acquisition in the core curriculum.
Who are ELs in MCS?
ELs can be immigrants, refugees, migrants, children of military families, international adopted children and U.S. citizens. They come from various countries, but many are U.S. citizens with Alabama as their only home.
What languages do ELs in MCS speak?
Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Gujarati, Arabic and Tagalog. The overwhelming majority speak Spanish.
What are our legal obligations to ELs?
The legal obligation to provide services to ELs can be found in the Equal Education Opportunities Act, Lau v. Nichols, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Plyler v. Doe, Castaneda v. Pickard, No Child Left Behind and more. ELs have the same rights to Advanced Placement courses, Special Education services, extracurricular activities, etc. as any student.
What is an Individualized English Language Learner Plan (I-ELP)?
It is a legal documented plan created for each EL that is updated yearly to meet the academic and language acquisition needs of the EL until the student achieves FLEP status. The plan includes, but is not limited to, testing accommodations, classroom accommodations, and other relevant information. The I-ELP should be created by and agreed upon by the EL committee that must include the parent, EL teacher, administrator, content teachers, and other professionals who might impact the I-ELP.
How are ELs identified in Alabama?
Every student (K-12) enrolled in Alabama schools is administered a Home Language Survey (HLS). If the HLS indicates a language other than English is spoken by the student or to the student in the home, the student’s English language proficiency is assessed using the W-APT for kindergarten and WIDA Screener for grades 1-12. This screening tool is used to determine whether a student is eligible for supplemental English language instructional services (Title III).
ACCESS for ELs and ACCESS 2.0
ACCESS for ELs (Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State for English Language Learners) is a secure large-scale English language proficiency assessment given to Kindergarten through 12th grade students who have been identified as English Learners (ELs). It is given annually in WIDA Consortium member states to monitor students' progress in acquiring social and academic English. ACCESS 2.0 is the computer-based test. Students must achieve a score of 4.8 to exit ESL
What is the CORE English language program in MCS?
English as a Second Language (ESL):
Program of techniques, methodology, and special curriculum designed to teach ELs explicitly about the English language, including the academic vocabulary needed to access content instruction, and to develop their English language proficiency in all four language domains (i.e. speaking, listening, reading, and writing). ESL programs teach the following: conversational English, grammar, reading, listening comprehension, writing and vocabulary.
How do we serve ELs in MCS?
Alabama has a standards-based curriculum emphasizing academic and social language proficiency. The EL coursework is based upon WIDA Consortium English Language Proficiency (ELP) standards. Classroom teachers integrate those ELP standards with Alabama State Content Standards and College and Career Standards to enable ELs to both communicate in English and demonstrate their academic, social, and cultural proficiency. Instructional approaches, both in EL and general education classes, ensure that the needs of Alabama ELs are accommodated. To the extent practicable, it is appropriate to use the EL’s home language as a means of facilitating instruction and providing parents with school-related information. For supplemental instruction, ESL teachers may provide instruction in a variety of settings that will best meet the needs of the student. ELs may be in pull out small groups, general education classes with inclusion, a resource class or a combination of these types.
Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills (BICS) refer to linguistic skills needed in everyday, social face-to-face interactions. For instance, the language used on the playground, on the phone, or to interact socially with other people is part of BICS. It takes the learner from six months to two years to develop BICS.
CALP, Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency, is characterized by being abstract, context reduced, and specialized academic language or language used in the classroom in the various content areas. It takes learners at least five years to develop CALP. Research has shown that it may take children with no prior instruction or no support in native langauge development at least seven years to develop CALP.
ACCESS 2.0 – Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State (the test)
ESL – English as a Second Language (the class/program)
EL – English Learner (the student)
ESSA- Every Student Succeeds Act
FEL – Former English Learner
HLS – Home Language Survey (for identification)
I-ELP – Individualized English Language Plan
LEP – Limited English Proficient
NOMPHLOTE – National Origin Minority Student Whose Language is Other Than English (and does not qualify for the ESL program)
W-APT – WIDA ACCESS Placement Test (the screener)
WIDA – World Class Instruction Design and Assessment (the standards)
What is WIDA?
Alabama is a member of the WIDA Consortium. www.wida.us The Alabama English Language Development Standard Course of Study is the World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment WIDA English Language Proficiency Standards. These standards are the instructional framework for content and ESL teachers. ELs should communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in:
Standard 2: The language of LANGUAGE ARTS
Standard 3: The language of MATHEMATICS
Standard 4: The language of SCIENCE
Standard 5: The language of SOCIAL STUDIES
Each standard should be addressed in the four language domains of LISTENING, SPEAKING, READING and WRITING.
What happens when ELs exit the ESL program?
When a student meets the 4.8 benchmark on the ACCESS they are considered Former English Learner (FEL). At this time they do not receive supplemental services, however their academic progress is monitored quarterly for four years to ensure successful transition.
What is the purpose of Title III?
The purpose of Title III is to ensure that ELs, including immigrant children and youth, attain English proficiency, develop high levels of academic attainment in English, and meet the same challenging state academic content and student academic achievement standards as all children are expected to meet, and to assist State and local educational agencies to develop and enhance their capacity to provide high-quality instructional programs.
What about accountability?
Each student will have a target growth score each year. This interim progress will be based on the student's initial score and will vary student to student.
Where can I locate information for ELs?
When a student is identified as an EL, data for the student is entered in I-NOW to indicate the EL’s status. The information is updated yearly. Contact your ESL teacher or Kellie Tanner for more information and assistance.
Contact Information
Kellie Tanner, Federal Programs Director, 256-309-2127, katanner@morgank12.org
Title III, Part A Funds Allowable Uses of Funds
- Providing effective language instruction educational programs (LIEPs) the meet the needs of ELs and demonstrate success in increasing English language proficiency and student academic achievement.
- Providing effective professional development to classroom teachers (including teachers in classroom settings that are not the settings of LIEPs), principals and other school leaders, administrators, and other school or community-based organizational personnel, that is:
- Designed to improve the instruction and assessment of ELs,
- Designed to enhance the ability to understand and implement curricula, assessment practices and measures, and instructional strategies for ELs,
- Effective in increasing children’s English language proficiency or substantially increasing the subject matter knowledge, teaching knowledge, and teaching skills of such teachers, and
- Of sufficient intensity and duration (which shall not include activities such as 1-day or short-term workshops and conferences) to have a positive and lasting impact on the teachers’ performance in the classroom.
- Providing and implementing other effective activities and strategies that enhance or supplement language instruction educational programs for ELs, which must include parent, family, and community engagement activities, and may include strategies that serve to coordinate and align related programs.
- Upgrading program objectives and effective instructional strategies,
- Improving the instructional program for ELs by identifying, acquiring, and upgrading curricula, instructional materials, educational software, and assessment procedures,
- Providing to ELs tutorials and academic or career and technical education, and intensified instruction, which may include materials in a language that the student can understand, interpreters, and translators,
- Developing and implementing effective preschool, elementary school, or secondary school language instruction educational programs that are coordinated with other relevant programs and services,
- Improving the English language proficiency and academic achievement of ELs,
- Providing community participation programs, family literacy services, and parent and family outreach and training activities to ELs and their families to improve the English language skills of ELs, and to assist parents and families in helping their children to improve their academic achievement and becoming active participants in the education of their children,
- Improving the instruction of ELs, which may include ELs with a disability, by providing for: the acquisition or development of educational technology or instructional materials; access to, and participation in, electronic networks for materials, training, and communication; and incorporation of these resources into curricula and programs,
- Offering early college high school or dual or concurrent enrollment programs or courses designed to help ELs achieve success in postsecondary education, and
- Carrying out other activities that are consistent with the purposes of Title III subgrants
[1] ESSA, Section 2103(b)(3)(P).
ED 2016 Non-regulatory Guidance for Title, II Part A ESSA, Section 2102(b)(2)(D).ESSA, Section 2103(b)(3)(A). [1] ESSA, Section 2103(b)(3)(B). ESSA, Section 2103(b)(3)(B)(i).
FEDERAL PROGRAMS LEA Allowable Uses of Funds August 1, 2017 Alabama Department of Education