Morgan County Schools Wellness Policy
In furtherance of its commitment to fostering healthy nutritional and physical activites that support sutdent achievement and that promote the development of lifelong wellness proactices, the Morgan County Board endorses the following programs, practices and activities:
7.12.1 - Nutritional Education - Nutritional education that teaches the knowledge, skills, and values needed to develop healthy eating behaviors will be integrated into the curriculm and offered throughout school campuses, including school dining areas and clssrooms, by appropriately trained personnel.
7.12.2 - Nutrition Standards – The Child Nutrition Program (“CNP”) will ensure that reimbursable school meals meet the program requirements and nutritional standards established by applicable state and federal regulations. The CNP will encourage students to make nutritious food choices and will monitor all food and beverages sold or served to students, including those available outside federally regulated child nutrition programs. The CNP will consider nutrient density and portion size before permitting food and beverages to be sold or served to students.
7.12.3 - Physical Education and Physical Activity Opportunities – The Board will offer physical education opportunities that include the components of a sound physical education program. Physical education will equip students with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to maintain healthful lifelong physical activity. Physical education instruction will be aligned with the curriculum. All students will be provided the opportunity to participate regularly in supervised physical activities that are intended to maintain physical fitness and to impart the benefits of maintaining a physically active and healthy lifestyle.
7.12.4 - Other School-Based Activities Designed to Promote Student Wellness – The Board may implement other programs that help create a school environment that conveys consistent wellness messages and that is conducive to healthy eating and physical activity.
7.12.5 - Administrative Implementation – The Superintendent is authorized to develop and implement administrative rules and directives that are consistent with this policy and that are based on input from teachers (including specialists in health and physical education), school nurses, parents and guardians, students,representatives of the school food service program, school board members, school administrators, and the public. The Superintendent will report to the Board, as requested, on programs and efforts that are designed to meet the purpose and intent of this policy.
Adopted: July 13, 2006
Revised February 14, 2013