Our Approach to Mental Wellness
The MCS Mental Health Team includes a Mental Health Director, who leads the implementation of district-wide mental health services, a Mental Health Services Coordinator, and a school psychologist. The Mental Health Services Coordinator and School Psychologist assess, develop, and monitor mental health services and initiatives available for our students and their families, as well as providing behavioral consults for students, trauma-informed care, crisis response, and counseling/intervention.
School Counselors conduct classroom lessons on character education, peer relationships, and healthy coping skills. They also facilitate small group and individual counseling groups and make referrals to community services as needed.
School-based mental health counseling services are offered through Albany Clinic and other clinic partnerships. For information about referring a student to school-based mental health services, contact your school counselor.
MCS utilizes proactive technology tools for digital student safety.
MCS requires Suicide Prevention Training for all MCS employees. Suicide Prevention classes are also taught to students in middle and high school.
MCS school counselors have all been trained in Youth Mental Health First Aid, and the MCS Mental Health Team is in the process of training all staff.
Partnerships to Promote Mental WellnessÂ
MCS Community Partners include: The Decatur Children’s Advocacy Center--childhood trauma, Morgan County DHR--abuse and neglect, Mental Health Association, Crisis Services of North Alabama--suicide prevention education.
- District Contracts include: Mental Health Center/Albany Clinic, which supports students through school-based counseling and case management, Hospice of the Valley for grief support, and PACT/FACT Programs to provide training, basic needs, and community resources for our families.
- Morgan County Sheriff’s Department, Trinity Police Department, and Priceville Police Department to provide School Resource Officers (SROs) in Morgan County Schools to build positive relationships and a safe school environment.
What To Do If You Are Concerned About Your Child's Mental Health
- Consult with your child’s doctor or pediatrician. Describe what concerns you have and ask for recommendations. They may provide a referral for a mental health professional.
- Contact key people at your child’s school, like the principal, school counselor, or your child’s teacher. School Counselor Contact Info
- There are also numerous mental health providers across North Alabama you can contact to set up a consultation or appointment.
Additional support is also available through the following:
Crisis Services of North Alabama - Our mission is “Responding to individuals and families in crisis.” HELP line - 256-716-1000
United Way of North Alabama - Dial 2-1-1 to get help with non-emergency needs.
PIRC- Psychiatric Intake Response Center can assist in navigating the mental health care system by helping find providers in your area. PIRC Reference Sheet (English & Spanish). Call: 205-638-7472
Crisis Help Lines
National Suicide Prevention Line - Call or Text 988 for free 24-hour help.
Crisis Text Line - A free, 24/7 text line for people in crisis. Text HOME to 741741
If you or your child are in immediate danger, please call 911.
Remember, you're not alone! Don't hesitate to reach out for help.
Contact Us
Matt Adams
Director of Secondary Education and Mental Health
Ph: 256-309-2100
Email: cmadams@morgank12.org
Alyson Miller
Mental Health Services Coordinator
Ph: 256-309-2100 ext 21158
Email: awmiller@morgank12.org
Laurie Lou Smith
School Psychologist
Ph: 256-309-2100 ext 21154
Email: llsmith@morgank12.org