CNP Links and Resources
- Morgan County Schools FREE/REDUCED ONLINE APPLICATION - Apply online for free/reduced meal eligibility.
- Para espanol, haga clic en sl enlace, cuando se le dirija a la pagina Linq Connect, en School Services (arriba a la derecha), desplacese hasta Free and Reduced Meal Application, haga clic en tres lineas en la esquina superior izquierda, cambie el idioma a espanol, elija las escuelas del condado de Morgan, Decatur, Alabama. Si necesita ayuda, llame a Gloria Rodriguez al (256) 214-0828 extension 47046.
- Online payments for student meals, REGISTER BUTTON or LOG IN Top Right of page
- How school lunches support children's health - Baylor University
- USDA - For more information about USDA and Child Nutrition Program
- Score BIG with School Breakfast
- SMART SNACKS PRODUCT CALCULATOR - determine if your snacks meet the guidelines for Smart Snacks
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