Child Nutrition Program
Morgan County Schools Child Nutrition
Committed to Nourishing Young Minds to Learn and Succeed
Should we fill out free/reduced applications?
1. Free/Reduced Meal applications are tied to many different school funds. Without these applications, our system will have significantly reduced funds.
2. Free/Reduced Meal applications are tied to many Federal assistance programs such as the P-EBT cards that have been sent out recently.
**THE ONLINE APPLICATION IS NOW ACTIVE ** Please see the CNP Links and Resources tab on left.
***Free and reduced paper applications are being printed and sent to schools.
Contact Us
Mary Beth Henry
CNP Director
Phone: 256-309-2102
Robin Scruggs CNP Secretary Email: Phone: 256-309-2108
Candis Partridge CNP Assistant Secretary Email:
Kristy Anders CNP Accounts Payable Clerk Email: Phone: 256-309-2113